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conner burns



   about conner





209 franklin street

natchez, ms 39120

(601) 446-6334
conner burns working on the final detail of a vase at a workshop


Conner teaches a limited number of workshops each year. He enjoys teaching but also enjoys being in his studio creating. He also understands that the time in his studio is not just good for his own development, but that time is important in his teaching. New ideas and techniques, coupled with a renewed energy leads to the most effective workshops. This is the reason that Conner limits the number of workshops that he teaches each year. To be in the studio to enjoy creating and to provide the best workshop possible when teaching.

taking a workshop:
As artists, we work alone in the studio and benefit from (and enjoy) the community environment of a workshop. It is important to take the time for workshops at least annually. These links should help guide you:

upcoming workshop

images of past workshops

comments from past workshop participants

hosting a workshop:
Conner appreciates those that take the responsibility to host workshops. You certainly add a great dimension to the clay community. I founded, owned and operated a teaching studio for five years and understand what it takes to host a workshop. I appreciate your desire to host a Conner Burns workshop. The following links should help provide the information that you are looking for:

comments from past workshop participants

information about conner burns workshops

sample workshop formats and topics

past workshop images and topics

locations where conner has taught

burns pottery © 2006